The L.A.C.E. Institute is a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization designed specifically to support the development and life-matriculation of young girls.
The mission of the Institute is to provide young girls with Life Currency, the tools that will help mold them into leaders, inventors, philosophers, and academicians.
The Institute enrolls students who are bright, curious, motivated, and show strong academic and personal promise. The successful student embraces our progressive curriculum and thrives on the connections made between experiential learning and the world. The Institute prepares students to be progressive independent thinkers. Institute students gain a strong sense of self and purpose, and graduates continue on to become leaders in their respective fields.
As an institution and as individuals, we value courage, commitment, strong character, integrity, and servanthood. We are committed to positive thinking, ingenuity, and forward movement.
Our instruction will operate to distinguish Institute students from their peers and provide them with a significant advantage in employment and social fronts. It is our hope that the confidence our girls exude, will breed confidence in others and encourage them to follow the paths our students lay. We further hope to create permanent systemic changes in our students' communities through student instruction, parental cooperation, and community involvement.
Why is it important to learn a second language?
Improve memory and perception
Gain a competitive edge in the global economy and job market
1/3 of all U.S. corporations are either owned or based abroad
Increase standardized test scores
Learn a sense of social pluralism and confidence
Increase intellectual growth
Improve your understanding of your native language
The discipline learned during the study of languages provide students with cognitive, analytical, and communication skills that carry over into other areas of academic studies.
Enhance listening abilities
Learn about other cultures

Invest in the future!
"When you educate a girl you educate the next generation!" - J. Wood